Present to you

30 Days Intense training session

Join us to explore the art of flight experience, where we take you on a 92-day interactive training program that helps you become the most sought-after drone pilot or engineer.

Join Us Now and Grab the Drone Flight Guide eBook now!​

Frequently Asked Questions

what is stopping you from taking your chance to be the next drone pilot or engineer?

Do you need to pay to access our training?

Yes! This is a paid 1-on-1 training session that captures your curiosity. Depending on your preference for the training duration, [3 months = 250k] - [6 months = 120k] - [1 year = 100k]

Who needs to take this training program?

Are you a full-time or part-time individual who wants to add to his or her skills with a passion for digital device anatomy? Well, this is for you. Whether you are looking for a side hustle or a main hustle, we will give you the chance to become the next big thing.

How long will it take to finish the training program?

We have given enough chances to all participants, which is why we have decided to break it down. All programs are subjected to either [3 months], [6 months], or [1 year], depending on the individual.

What do I need to get started?

Nothing unusual; you are recommended to pay a token depending on your program duration, and right after that, no commitment is required from you.

How much can you earn as a drone pilot?

Earnings for a drone pilot or engineer in Nigeria can range from approximately 700,000 Naira to 6 million Naira or more annually, depending on factors like location, experience, and specialization.

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Meet Your Instructor

a man flying a drone

A Word From Your Flight Instructor

Ladies and gentlemen, drone enthusiasts, and future engineers, welcome to a journey that will elevate your skills to new heights! I’m thrilled to invite you to our upcoming workshop, where we’re diving into the fascinating world of drone engineering and piloting.

Now, you might be wondering, Why should you invest your time in this workshop? Well, let me tell you, it’s not just about flying a drone up or down; it’s about mastering every aspect of drone piloting and engineering that often gets overlooked.

In our sessions, you’ll be privy to exclusive insights and tips that will fast-track your skills, bringing you from a beginner to an expert in record time. But it’s not just about speed; it’s about understanding the expertise of drone piloting that many instructors tend to omit or may not even be aware of. And that’s where our workshop stands out.

I want you to think beyond just operating a drone. I want you to think about becoming the best drone pilot and engineer you can be. I’ve crafted this workshop to cover those aspects that often get missed, ensuring you have a holistic understanding of what it takes to excel in this field.

As your instructor, I’m not just here to teach; I’m here to guide you to perfection. I understand that each of you faces unique challenges when it comes to learning, and I am committed to helping you overcome them. Together, we’ll tackle errors and sharpen your management skills, making you not just a drone pilot but a self-sufficient expert in this exciting skill.

But let me be clear: the benefits of this workshop are only for those who are ready to learn and skill up. If you’re ready to take on the challenge, the rewards are immense. Elevate your career opportunities, join a community of skilled enthusiasts, gain confidence in tackling real-world challenges, and position yourself as a top-notch drone pilot and engineer.

So, are you ready to take flight with us? Don’t let the sky be your limit; let it be your view. Enroll today, and together, let’s make you the best drone pilot and engineer ever.

Thank you for choosing excellence in drone education. I look forward to welcoming each of you to this thrilling journey.

Join Us Now and Grab the Drone Flight Guide eBook now!​


What Cohorts Are Saying

Hear from our passionate and skilled drone pilots as they share their journey through our comprehensive training programs. Gain insights into how SOT Drone Training equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the exciting world of drone technology.

agbo-ola oreoluwa


Become a Professional Drone Pilot

Get certified to fly drones in line with the Nigeria expert training course.

Learn from our experienced instructors and gain practical skills with our state-of-the-art equipment in a dedicated drone training facility.


Digital Camera Repair

Our knowledgeable instructors will walk you through the complexities of fixing digital cameras by imparting their extensive knowledge and practical experience. Upon completion, you'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel in the digital camera repair industry, with a certification that's recognized and respected.

Drone Flight & Repair

Learn from seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience in digital camera repair. They'll guide you through the ins and outs of repairing and maintaining modern digital cameras. Gain practical skills and confidence working with a wide range of digital camera models. You'll have access to state-of-the-art tools and equipment in our dedicated training facility. Whether you're a beginner looking to start a new career or a seasoned technician aiming to upgrade your skills, our program is tailored for you.

Join Us Now And Grab the Drone Flight Guide eBook now!

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Proudly brought to you by Funzitech Solutions

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